Hi All,
I'm a new member and have a sad dendrobium that I rescued from a clearance table in big box store last week. This is my very first dendrobium by the way so I may not use the right termminology in my post.

It needed repotting and when I removed it from it's original medium, one of the canes just fell completely off, almost like it was rotting away. This cane has 2 keikis on it.
Not knowing what to do, I put the cane in some new bark hoping that it might put out some roots but now the one leaf that was on the top of it has started to yellow and looks close to death's door.
The 2 keikis still look ok but I don't know what to do to keep them growing. The roots on the keikes are so small and new - one has roots that are 3/4" long and the other has roots about 1/4" long and both have a new cane growing from their roots. One of the canes is about an inch tall, the other only about 1/4 inch tall. These are growing on opposite sides of the old cane but are extremely close together - only about 1/2 inch apart.
Can someone tell me how to proceed?

I can't post a pic because my digital just bit the dust so I hope my desciption gives the info needed.
Thanks in advance for your replies.