Originally Posted by Ray
I recommend washing that powder out of the pots right away! Calcium minerals tend to have low solubility, but the surface area of a powder offsets that, so can sharply raise the pH.
Crushed oyster shell is a good alternative.
ACK!! Okay...off to rinse out the pots!! A couple of folks have suggested that I use crushed eggshells, so I'm currently cooling some hard-boiled eggs so I can smash up the shells and use them as a top dressing. Unfortunately my local pet store did not have crushed oyster shells.
The original plant I needed the calcium for was a Dendrobium Green Lantern that seems to be suffering from "failure to thrive" syndrome. While my other dens have been growing like gangbusters, this one hasn't been doing much, and every once in a while a leaf will turn yellow and go fluttering to the ground.
I contacted the seller after a couple of months, and he said it's a heavy feeder that needs a calcium supplement. Hence, the search for calcium.
But I'm also concerned about a Paph Micranthum that isn't very happy. It arrived showing signs of overfertilization...the substrate was absolutely
loaded with limestone, oyster shell, and other unidentifiable stuff, and leaves were yellowing and falling off all over the place. I got it out of that mix and repotted it in a clean mix, but I'm still getting slow yellowing of the bottom leaves on the various growths. It's slowed down considerably since repotting, but it's still happening.
I'm now wondering if the plant might be in shock from having all its limestone, calcium, and whatever else was in there taken away, so I'd like to add some back in.
If the micranthum continues to give me trouble, I'll start a new thread on it. But I'm hoping finding a good calcium supplement will solve the problem.