I also added one of these to my orchid collection this spring. I repotted when the flowers were finished in a medium to large size bark. I repotted in a clear plastic pot so I could see the roots better and there was significant root growth since then. I accidentally broke off the new cane that was growing when I repotted but three new canes grew this summer. It wasn't until a few weeks ago that the older canes finally plumped up. I was watering a lot this summer as where the species Den. Nobiles grow, there is a rainy season and the winter is dry. I have stopped fertilizing and have begun to cut back on watering. Two leaves have turned yellow so far.
I have found in several sources and also from a lengthly discussion on orchid board with NYCorchidman that these plants need to have exposure to cooler temperatures in the winter and much less watering in order for them to flower well. I do believe that the older canes do re-flower which was one of my reasons to add this to my collection as most orchids only bloom on new growth. I won't know until this winter if this is true.
I don't know if I would repot now as it shocks the plant every time do, but I would certainly cut back on watering, the medium should not still be so wet when you water again.