This has been a reliable bloomer for me
Another that is very hard to capture the color. Has pretty saturated color in reality - vivid pink in bright light, in lower light more purpley-pink.
This is the first year I did not put this plant outside during the warmer months - I wasn't sure if it would get enough light inside, but apparently it did

Grown in a west facing window.
I had meant to increase fertilizer this year, to see if this could get more blooms per spike, but ended up actually fertilizing less - just laziness on my part

So - only a few blooms per spike again. Currently there are three spikes blooming (1 spike with 3 blooms, 2 spikes each with 2 blooms) - there is another spike with 2 buds a couple of weeks away from blooming, and a tiny spike that just started recently - as well as three keikis of varying size...
Thanks for looking