I'm posting one example picture of a little bump on my blue dendrobium hybrid that just poked through this side of the world.

This is going to be a fourth spike as you can tell.
These hybrids usually make one or two spikes on top of the cane for the first time after the cane matures, then makes more spikes going down in order like this one.
Some make spikes in a random order, like three nodes down from the previously spiked node, then make its way up instead of going down.
Rarely, they would also make three or even five spikes at the same time. I think many dendrobium hybrids that are bred for cut flower market do this.
Or some environmental cues or some other myterious thing that trigger this awesome habit.
crazy! definitely got mind of their own!

but it's a fun surprise for me.
I have two that only make one spike on top of each cane and that's it for them.