Originally Posted by Bud
it depends if you have too much fertilizer and too much warmth...then keikis will appear and no blooms....but this is warmth tolerant....I understand your plight....you are lucky to have friends to house your plants
not so lucky anymore since he sold his apartment and the new one he's moving into has no balcony. oh, well...
the nobiles I have need cooling period to flower well. I read some people report that theirs flowered but the flowering wasn't as good. With once a year blooming, I need a spectacular bloom as these guys normally do given the cool period.
I got rid of all my nobiles except for one after my friend sold his apartment. With one nobile, I'm going to either leave it outside every night until first frost and see what happens. Many people say bringing indoor after leaving it out cause major bud blast due to temperature being too high. will see.
If all fail, then I will just buy them every spring and discard. lol