Suitable growth medium for den nobile keikis
I've had a couple of small den nobile NOID (white type of some sort) lying on moist river sand for some time now, and they've sprouted a couple of nice keikis each. They are now app 5-6 cm tall and have 3-4 cm long roots.
I think it is time to put them into proper pots and more suitable growth medium for them to establish themselves properly.
Now, I'd just like to hear your experiences with growth medium. What has worked and what did not work well? I've got fir bark, moss, coir and rocks available to grow in. At the moment I'm leaning towards bark with a bit of coir on top. In my experience, coir does not hold much water, but it helps holding small plants in place.
I'm assuming I should just leave the cane on the keikis for the time being? It looks like they still get nutrition from them and they're not completely depleted yet.