Dendrobiums blooming, spiking, and growing plus tips on growing nobiles
All of my dendrobiums are responding well to high light window setup by sending up new shoot, some are sending up spikes, some are still in bloom.
It is fun to see how some hybrids start out very small, then boom! while others start out thick and fat, and keep on getting tall and thick. Very interesting plants.
Some of my dens got slightly burned, either small black spots or overall purplish cast on leaves and canes, so I moved thosed away. Some of them seem to be perfectly fine under high light.
Two of my white dens are showing white/yellow streaks on new growths. hmmm....wouldn't be too sad to them go if it is virus as whites are easy to find. I'm just going to let it grow and see how it will progress.
Last edited by NYCorchidman; 08-18-2014 at 04:36 PM..