Three years ago I purchased this pretty, small plant in a supermarket.Being a novice at orchids,I never checked to see what the root condition was. The plant developed 2 keikis,and the parent plant died. I planted the keikis in sphag,and waited 3 years for blooms. They are both blooming nicely this year. Whew!
The plant is 5.5 inches tall,and the blossoms are 2 inches in diameter. No fragrance,but you can't have everything.
I have this plant and it blooms once per year at this time. You can depend on it. What you can expect from this plant, with good care for another two years, is for it to be showered with flowers. I don't know anything about your growing experience but the roots will rot on you just like they were previously if you don't grow it on the dry side during the colder months.
Last edited by Leisurely; 09-05-2007 at 02:36 PM..
Thankyou for the hint,Jerry.I'll certainly pay attention to it. So far I have had pretty good luck with Phal.type Dendrobiums. Most of them are planted in lava rock and a few in bark. I sort of bend toward lava rock as that seems to suit them. Few of them are named,but beauty doesn't really need a name,does it?
Beginners usually kill a few I'm sure. It hurts,but it is a learning experience.