Nice! Beautiful, fragrant flowers on a compact plant! I really like the second picture. It makes the Dendro look like it's sprouting from the ground at the base of the tree, like a spring bulb.
I'm going to have to add this one to my wishlist, too. I have kingianum, but it doesn't flower well because I can't provide a cool enough resting period.
Thank You, Evan ! This is really a very nice plant. Hardy and sturdy that gives out lots of canes in matter of days...the flowers are fragrant like the smell of one of those hair gels...and as more blooms open the stronger it gives out fragrance in the room...for a while I thought my grandpa came for a visit because I can smell his hair pomade LOL
Thank You, Eric ! yeppers its a healthy happy plant...with one and a half inch of purple bluish tinge blooms...I always thought the Zuni indians were in the southwest...or maybe some of them were relocated to a reservation at the turn of the 20th century to where you are now
I seem to have neglected this in a far corner for a couple of years but this time; the fragrance caught my attention and I thought of my grandpa's hair pomade scent....
This gave me a bouquet of fragrant spikes with vivid colors and large blooms....