considering that D. spectabile is a species that requires heat and hight light conditions, at the same time as high humidity and lots of water, I would not use a standard Mix, but add some water retentive media to the medium, e.g. sphagnum or perlite!
However, as always, that would depend on your growing conditions and watering schedule... for example, a friend of mine is currently developing a new medium, based on granulated rock wool... this medium is very water retentive! we are trying it since two years, when he gave me 3 Dendrobiums (one of them D. spectabile) and 2 Paphies potted in it. After this time, my friend (growing indoors and with a ver strict watering schedule!) has achieved great success with the Cattleya alliance, as well as Paphies and Phragmies, but his Dendrobium just don't grow for him and die very quick in this new medium. on the opposite side, I grow in a greenhouse, and the two Paphies died pretty quick (I normally have good succes with Paphies in my standard culture substrates), but the 3 Dendros are growing fantastic for me.