Hi Discus. the sad news is that 'Sparkling' is frequently used in clonal names of Aussie Dend hybrids.
I agree that kingianum and tetragonum are the major influences in this grex, however there also appears to be something that can increase flower numbers.
I'm speculating that there is a small percentage of falcorostrum in the mix, judging from the flower count, the tip of the lip and the slight pink/purple shading around the throat.
Den. 'Bright Spark' could be a possibility- but that'd be a long shot given how many potential hybrids are out there.
After purchasing some hybrids recently I discovered to my delight that not only did the pots have tags but also that the previous grower had buried punched metal tape names in the mix. I'll be investing in a heavy duty Dymo tape labeller for next spring's repotting season. Hopefully no more NOIDS for me.