Originally Posted by Tindomul
Very nice, but why get rid of the leaves???
LOL I was referring to the fact they are supposed to drop the leaves and mine never do that untill later after it warms in spring and they go outside and every picture I see online of one in bloom they are totaly leafless and actually I think they do look a bit better in bloom leafless because you can see the blooms much better...
Mine do not drop a leaf untill after new leads are 2 foot long and then do it very slowly over a month or two.
You can see that this year a few are drying up and getting ready to drop but it has new leads growing allready too.
My dendrobium Nestor does the same thing no leaf drop untill after june long after it has bloomed .
Probably because I do not do the cool dry winter rest thing they say is a must for them to bloom.This year I am not even making a effort at a rest period and will know soon if Im right about nestor blooming without rest at all since last year I did at least slack off on water a little.This year it is getting watered and fertilised just like the catts.