Den Speciosum with spikes beginning - How much water now??
Hello all.
I have a den speciosum x kingianum that is just starting to spike. There are little nubs swelling on ALL of the mature canes. Some canes have 4 spikes a piece.
Does that mean I should water more or less than when in growth???
I fert and water heavy in the summer growing season but I heard they need a rest period. When does the rest period start???
Hi, it is one of the Aussie natives that crossed over to America.
Cool to warm grower in frost fee area.
Grows outdoors in a light shady area in a well drained potting mix.
From my experience these sorts of hybrids are relatively easy to care for. Give plenty of light and a very open mix. The mix should dry completely between waterings - avoid over-watering although it should be fairly tolerant. Cut back water in winter(mid December) if you watered them every other day then you water them once a week... This and cooler temperatures potentially induces flowering in spring.
I don't know about the cross, but for my kingianum, no true rest - mine has already started spikes, and has new growth (and was the same last year at this time) - seems it would not be a good time to withhold water and fertilizer. Mine stays outside where it is cool and damp, so I water less frequently, and keep the media a bit drier than in summer (I allow it to become nearly dry, or just dry) It bloomed fabulously this past spring.
This cross is basically Den. x-delicatum. It happens naturally in nature and artificially here because so many like it. I have several. I'm in the SF Bay area, so my conditions are different. But cutting water back is key. Here I use the rule of thumb from Halloween to Valentine's day, cut back on water. I only mist if canes start to look shriveled. But they still like BRIGHT light during winter to bloom.