Is anyone interested in ordering from Equatorial Plants (mostly New Guinea Dendrobium seedlings, but other interesting species as well). A group of us ordered last spring using my import permit. I did all the leg-work free of charge and will do so again. If you are interested you can get their seedling list from me or look them up on line and ask for it yourself.
Last edited by ronaldhanko; 10-11-2011 at 05:37 PM..
Jean, I'm waiting for the list from Richard, and when I get it will send it on to you, but will need your email which you should send via a private message and not post in this thread.
I am interested in putting in an order to Equatorial Orchids but it would have to be a separate order from Canada. What I need is the information about them. Where arer they? How do I get hold of them? etc. If you could pass that information along, I would really appreciate it.
Hi Carl - they are in the UK and it is Equatorial Plants not Equatorial Orchids (I had the wrong in the title and couldn't seem to change it). YOu can find them on line but need to request a list from Richard and find out the different size flasks he has with costs.