I am so excited

. I got a small Den. Enobi Purple 'Splash' in Feb. at the orchid show in Edmonton. It came bare root from Taiwan and I worried that it would even survive at first. 2 of the 3 PB's with leaves dropped them all immediately and the newest one kept two leaves. I nursed it carefully and put it in a 2" clay pot with moss. Over spring and summer it grew a new growth and many roots from it. Now it has a small spike about 1/2 inch long
It is about 3/4 bigibbum and some phalaenopsis in it. Does anyone have an idea of how long this will take to be in bloom? I need to know how much patience to muster up! And I am biting my nails until I see if it really is a 'Splash' also. I was told it was for sure but....