I almost had this specie; as I procrastinated ...but it is my mania to do full research on an orchid before I take care of it: I am scared to kill plants. Dendrobium moniliforme 'Hakuturu' is supposedly an excellent window sill grower. It is supposed to be pretty hardy, but needs a slight rest in winter. Put it in medium coconut husk chips, hydroton, granite chips, sponge rock, pea gravel and charcoal
and let it get nearly completely dry between waterings. I would let it get more shade if you grow it on a south window, as the white areas from the variegation tend to burn in direct sunlight. In winter, let it get cooler (60's) at night and let it get completely dry between waterings to induce flowering...usually not a problem next to a window. Check New World Orchids website for more in depth cultural info or send them an e-mail, Alex and Glen are very nice people with a lot of experience in asian orchids.
a species from the Far East into Korea and China to the west and Taiwan to the south. The bloom season is from winter until the end of summer…several fragrant flowered raceme which arise from the nodes of older leafless canes because the plant is deciduous. This particular plant is the very rare and highly desired variegated form 'Hakuturu'. The 1.5 to 2 inch crystalline flowers are highly fragrant (you can smell them several feet away!), with a lovely sweet fragrance.