Mounting Dendrobium Aggregatum
My Aggregatum has finished it's blooming cycle and in need of being repotted. I have tree fern in which will be it's new home.
I have repotted, mounting many orchids but am not pleased with the stress that's goin' on.
Normal regimen as follows:
Soak orchids new home ... bark/mount
Soak the pot of the chid to be repotted.
Remove all old roots
Soak in a root stimulator for 20 minutes
Repot/mount orchid
Water enough for drainage test
Place in medium light
Mist daily
Water every other day lightly (always water my orchids with slight fert flavor), heavy watering weekly
Follow watering regimen for 1 month
Move chid to light appropriated home
Raise it to bloom next blooming cycle.
With the above, is this to much or am I missing something. After I repot/mount the orchid looks limp and take many many weeks to recover. What am I doing wrong. I want to do everything correctly, smooth as possible for whats best for my newly potted orchids.