Beaniebeagle. Its your dendrobium has knobby internodes??? If it's, that is indeed a proper name for that specie, Den. pendulum (formerly called crassinode) and its one of the species from section Dendrobium from SE Asia.
Treated just as most nobile type dendrobium. Lots of water and feeding from spring to summer, graudally reduce water in fall and give it a dry cool winter rest. This is one of the warmer growing one so, you don't need temperature down to 10'C. Winter night temp around 14-15 is good enough and give it a light
misting every 7-10 days or so.
Best grown mounted because of its pendent canes. The cane are about 12" or so on average, but can be as long as over 2 feet, depending on how much you feed them and how much warmth it get during growing season. It blooms in spring and has very beautiful flower, white, pink and yellow lip (that may or maynot come with maroon eyes).

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