Is that Nobile Den. Oriental Smile 'Fantasy"? I have one but am not doing so well with it. I'm almost tempted to buy a new, healthier one! Yours is absolutely gorgeous!
OrchidWiz says:
50%-60% humidity. Keep moist in the Spring-Summer, when plant is in active growth. Grow in a pot with porous, free-draining media. The pot should be small for plant size. Fertilize weekly, weakly (one quarter to half the normal dose). Reduce water/feeding during the cooler months. Common media: fir bark, coconut chunks.
Den. Oriental Smile is composed of species of which 93% take intermediate temperatures, 72% take cool temperatures, 47% take cold temperatures and 46% take hot temperatures. Grow this hybrid in cool to intermediate conditions, or 58°F to 75°F at night. It may be tolerant of cold (50°F to 55°F) and hot (75°F to 85°F) night temperatures.
It seems the trick is to keep it cool over winter and barely water it (no food either) until it starts to show buds in the spring. If you over water and feed, it will grow keikis instead. But the canes shouldn't be allowed to shrivel up either. I got 2 flowers each on two of my nobile dens and none on this particular hybrid. Oriental Smile is known as a late bloomer and shouldn't be forced to bloom earlier.
I am going to try and treat mine really well over summer (lots of water and a good amount of fertilizer). Then give it some cool temps in the fall and winter and hope for blooms next spring.
Good luck with your beauty!