Looks like this orchid is blooming for a lot of folks here. I've had this plant for over 10 years and it wasn't until last year that I finally figured out how to get it to bloom and this year it bloomed up a storm. Took it in the house to enjoy the fragrance and the whole house smelled of it - very nice.
I'm starting to think that there are maybe two hobbies in the world that are guaranteed to teach one the true meaning of patience: Raising orchids and playing golf.
So what do you think was the secret you finally found to successfuly bloom this one?
I've been thinking about getting one of these for years.
Last edited by PleuroPal; 03-20-2011 at 03:11 AM..
I just recently purchased one of these, and the seller commented that if you want it to rebloom it must experience night time temperatures in the 40s for at least a week. Is this what you did?
Oh WOW! What a gorgeous display! I wish mine was like that. I recently got few keikis that might be dendrobium kingianum (I am not positive). It looks like I have a long way to go until I get it to blooming size like yours.
Hello I'm new on this forum and to orchids its A kingianum I bought this orchid for its amazing aroma do it only has 1 spike but there at least 3 more spikes coming. Should I fertilize now thats in flower? When it comes time to pot up what medium or mix should I use? Im gonna try to post a picture sorry for the quality. thakyou for any recomendations.