This is a light lime green and fushia, Den. Probably should take another pic, flash faded out colors. I'm always amazed at how beautiful the NOids are, almost lke they are trying to make up for not having a name.
Ah, Carol, did I miss something? Don't see a picture! Not that I'd be able to help with a name, since Dens aren't something that I know anything about... well, I don't much about anything anyway....
Not Anna Green. I have that one and it's not the same colour.
It reminds me of my Polar Fire... however it's not the usual colour patten you see in pics of Polar Fire. Mine though flowered the way you see in pics the first time, then all other flowers have looked more like yours (including a current re-bloom from the spike originally in flower.
Hi CTB, I have not yet mastered the art of posting pictures, but I wanted to let you know what I think your orchid might be. Go to (also known as Norman's Orchids). Pick the genus of Dendrobium . You will be asked to narrow your search and you need to pick the color green. On the second page there is an orchid called Den. Burana Emerald. I think it looks an awful lot like the chid you have. What do you think?? Hope you agree...
This flower has a lot of purple, more like Rosie's, Thanks for your help. A Noid it is, can't find any other pics of that Polar Ice Rosie but Thanks it's real close.