Originally Posted by gnathaniel
Hmmm...yeah, I don't think junceum or clavator would have a hairy lip. I was basing my previous guess on vegetative and blooming habits evident in your photo. Polytrichum looks like it might fit, though I can't find any pictures of the foliage. If you have access to it you might look in Howard Wood's Dendrobium book, it's got more info on this section than I've found elsewhere (I don't have a copy myself, but I read my dad's when I go visit my parents). Whatever you have, it looks like a nice one!
Thanks. It seems that mine plant is Den. polytrichum, although it is somewhat unlike those i have seen brfore.
For a long times, such dendrobiums have been sold without ID or with wrong tags, it becomes difficult for me to find a true name for it.