Hi all, I was trying to look up fo more info on this plant & came across my own thread!...

so I thought it a good idea to share an 'update' . All the growths made me Keikis during 2008 I still have 2 of the original growths (on their last legs) I ended up repotting into s/h since... the keikis are growing and one has 2! flowers on it! .. well at least it's still alive ...& it is still my only dendrobium..
I have no idea if it is the kind that needs 'a winter rest' or not? & I if so, how does one give a plant in s/h winter rest exactly?..
I have not "figured out" how to read the signs of what this plant needs & when ? I would appreciate any input.. here it is now with its 2 flowers, one of which is deformed..

not a good photo - I apologise..