Gorgeous! One of my more favorite Dendrobiums as well. I have a few seedlings but no blooms yet, so I'll just have to enjoy yours!
Any fragrance to this one? I've heard varying reports of tetragonum's odor, which could indicate the varieties/species having different pollinator relationships in their respective ranges...
Thanks for posting!
Last edited by gnathaniel; 12-10-2010 at 12:47 PM..
Fragrance? No I don't have find any smell every time that I have try,mayby wrong time or mayby someone else can gives to us a suggestion about this issue.
Dendrobium tetragonum var tetragonum flower 3 to 4 cm
Dendrobium tetragonum var cacatua
The bulb of Den. tetragonum can be up to 50 cm long this depends on the climate. Den. tetragonum var. giganteum is called so due the size of the flower similar colours to var. tetragonum and var. cacatua has lighter colours on the inside of the flower.