This is my dendrobium 'chid, the only one. It is mounted on a shell. It looks nice for the moment, but should I leave it like this? For how long? Or, remount it on something bigger, after a while? I am affraid the shell is too small and the roots won't have space to grow, also the plant.
Great ..
and I love your dendro!
Very cute and sweet! indeed! ...
Not sure about the size it needs to be in
but I love the way it looks ..
Great idea!!!
If you find out you should give it more space ..
Try and find a larger shell !
Like Dorothy said, one option is a large shel, or shell-like mount. But I agree it will soon need to move to something bigger. Just get all the artistic poses you can before things change
A potential problem with an intact shell is lack of drainage. Are there holes?
If you can tip the shell enough to drain it .. it might do the trick ..
you might want to hold it in by devising a wire cage over it ..
or perhaps Rhizome Clips( see link) would work ... Stakes and Hangers
Dendrobiums need the roots confining and should always be under potted rather than over potted as this will help prevent over watering. These plants produce an enormous amount of aerial roots and so are ideal candidates for growing in many ways other than pots.
How long has it been in the shell??? I am sure many will be shopping for a shell before to long to achieve this unique look...nice very nice