Today I learned that one of my dens I thought was a nobile is actually a nigro-hirsute type. I guess that explains all that black hair on the canes! I'm such a novice I just assumed because it bloomed the same way a nobile does that that's what it was.
Looks like I have a pretty big learning curve when it comes to dens.
Looks like I have a pretty big learning curve when it comes to dens.
Don't we all?
Nice looking plant and blossoms. Glad you are happy with your Den. cause most of mine just up and died Now having said that (thanks to Tony) I must admit that a couple of my Fav's are dens (aberrans and anosmum.)
A hairy to we are in the same boat. Glad I did not have one of those I would have looked like a real stunod (sp) trying to wipe the sucker clean or putting Nair on it.
A hairy to we are in the same boat. Glad I did not have one of those I would have looked like a real stunod (sp) trying to wipe the sucker clean or putting Nair on it.