I have a few dendrobium keiki's from a mother plant that didn't make it. I was able to get the canes to put out a few keiki's and now the roots are a couple inches long but are growing horrizontally. I figure it's time to pot them up, but I'm wondering if I should use my normal dendrobium potting mix of Dendrobium Imperial Orchid Mix or if I should use a seedling mix for them, or if maybe moss would be best? I have three and I was thinking of potting them in a compot since they are still pretty small. Humidity is is high and temps are intermediate if that will help at all. Any recommendations on what I should do?
Perhaps just use the regular mix, but with a light sphag top dressing to get the roots to dig down? That's what I've had success with for my (albeit few) seedlings, and the rest of my orchids.
I have previously used fine bark mix for keikis.
I was going to suggest the seedling mix or sphag, but clicked on your link to check out the den mix you use, sounds like it could work.
Becca, I would just tell you to grow in a media you already have success with.
Dens will grow in moss very well, it just depends what you're use to and how often you're able to water. I always mix my moss with sponge rock and or bark. Sphagnum moss alone tends to compact itself over time.