Originally Posted by aries23
 I have my dens outside and they are producing keikels and nice roots. but alot of the leaves have been sunburnt. how can i prevent this ? only the younger growths are plumpy looking. a few older canes look dry towards the bottom... what should i do?

Do you have a picture of the damage? If your new growth looks good and has no damage then it sounds like your plants are adjusting to their bright location. It's common to loose leaves on the older canes (1-2 years old). During this process the leaves can get yellow blotches and dark spots. Eventually the whole leaf yellows and drops from the cane. As this happens the older canes will begin to shrivel and eventually they will turn a yellowish color. They should not be removed from the plant until they reach the yellowed stage.
During the past year all of my phal type dendrobiums were successfully transitioned to much brighter growing locations. They've responded with vigorous new growth and healthy flowering spikes. I closely monitored their leaves during the process. If I saw faded patches that felt too warm to the touch then I'd move the plant closer to shade. Shade can be provided by nearby trees and fences or your might consider building a shade trellis or arbor out of 4" plastic or pressure treated lattice.