There's nothing wrong with your leaves. Mini Snowflakes is a cross that we made & registered between a tiny mini latouria den species (Den aberrans) & a medium sized latouria den species (Den johnsoniae). Aberrans is only about 3" tall, with few bulbs, each topped by 2 leaves that are almost 90 degrees to the tops of the bulbs. Johnsoniae has bulbs 10-12" tall, topped by 2 leaves that are maybe 45 degrees from vertical.
Mini Snowflake has good hybrid vigor & produces canes more abundantly than either parent. Canes are 6-8" tall, topped by leaves that are 60-90 degrees from vertical. Many times, each cane has 3 leaves rather than 2. Curvy leaves are more the rule than the exception, because of the abundance of canes & leaves.
Plants need good drainage, but also lots of water. With lots of foliage, there is also lots of transpiration. Insufficient moisture can lead to curled (as opposed to curvy) leaves, but that's not a real problem either. Plants need moisture even fall-spring, but not fertilizer fall-winter, which could inhibit blooms. Plant grow best in med light/warm or bright/intermediate (bright/cool in winter is ok).
We made the cross a couple of times & produced several thousands of these, so your plant probably came from us ... through the grapevine. Aberrans has somewhat pendant fragrant flowers,& with some pink in the lip, johnsoniae flower spikes are erect, with pure white unscented flowers. The hybrid flowers are pure white on erect spikes. I never smelled the hybrid flowers. Old canes can rebloom.
Attached is a photo of a bloom. Very cute, but hard to photograph.