Hello all, Fist let me say HI! I am new

this place looks awesome and I am hoping that someone can help me.
I have a dendrobium that won't bloom and I am not sure why. I am not sure if it is just not the season for it to bloom yet or if I am doing something wrong?
Details, It is potted in bark chips, placed in a south facing window that has a somewhat eastern exposure. It get bright indirect light all day and in the morning it gets some slivers of dappled direct light, maybe an hours worth. It gets watered thoroughly once a week (I let the faucet run to flush out any disolved salts etc), and ussually gets close to dry but not completely dry between waerings. It is in a bathroom where I take my nightly shower (and I take long showers) so it gets a fair does of humidity.
It seems to be happy and healthy other then the lack of flowers. It pushed a bunch of new roots this spring and a second cane wich appears to be robust and doing well. It is almost as big as the first one now. It did not lose any leaves over the winter so I am fairly certain it is an evergreen type. But unfortunately when I bout it there was no cultivar/species tag so I don't know what it is. The flowers it had when I got it were wery round and wide compared to the pics of alot of dendi's I'v seen so I think it migh be a dendi/phal. I only know it is a dendrobium because at one point I saw a bouquet of flowers with the same blossom shape (that weird little backfacing spike) labeled as such.
It's neighbor, my pink and white phal is putting on a beautiful display of over 20 flowers and has been blooming strong since at least february, so I am not sure what is up with the dendi

Being new to Orchids (these 2 are my first successes, my first orchid was a phal and I sunburned it, sad day) I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
Any ideas? (yes I can take pictures if that will help anyone).