Can anyone tell me what is happening to my Dendrobium lindleyi’s leaves since I mounted it 3 months ago? I have included pictures of both the front and back of the leaves. The leaves turn yellow from pb up the leaf. Sometimes there are slight “bumps” on them under the top layer. Once they completely hello, they fall off. I have started cutting the leaves off as they start yellowing now since some of them have small gray pin points on them and one has a long gray spot on the back side.
When it is mounted, are you supposed to include fertilizer with every dunking. I have been using 1/4 tsp/gal of 20-13-4 every time I spray it down with my pump sprayer rather than soaking the whole setup just about every other day this summer, but have begun tapering both food and water. I laid a small amount of spagnum moss over the roots when I mounted it and am trying not to keep spagnum soaking wet all the time. But we live in a somewhat dry environment in northern Illinois and going into winter, I have to work really hard to keep humidity up and at the different levels that all my orchids require. Even this summer with no a/c on in my plant room, keeping humidity consistent and keeping this Dendrobium watered, was a challenge. Please help me figure out what is going on or what I am doing wrong. I have had this plant for 5 years now and it has never bloomed even while living in Houston for 3 of those years. It has never dropped leaves like this ever!! I would hate to lose it now after all this time. Have been spraying it alternating weeks with NEEM and then 409 mix spray with cinnamon stick added for spider mites because I thought maybe they might be the cause. I can’t find anything on the web addressing this issue. Can anyone tell me what is happening to my Dendrobium lindleyi’s leaves since I mounted it 3 months ago? I have included pictures of both the front and back of the leaves. The leaves turn yellow from pb up the leaf. Sometimes there are slight “bumps” on them under the top layer. Once they completely hello, they fall off. I have started cutting the leaves off as they start yellowing now since some of them have small gray pin points on them and one has a long gray spot on the back side.
When it is mounted, are you supposed to include fertilizer with every dunking. I have been using 1/4 tsp/gal of 20-13-4 every time I spray it down with my pump sprayer rather than soaking the whole setup just about every other day this summer, but have begun tapering both food and water. I laid a small amount of spagnum moss over the roots when I mounted it and am trying not to keep spagnum soaking wet all the time. But we live in a somewhat dry environment in northern Illinois and going into winter, I have to work really hard to keep humidity up and at the different levels that all my orchids require. Even this summer with no a/c on in my plant room, keeping humidity consistent and keeping this Dendrobium watered, was a challenge. Please help me figure out what is going on or what I am doing wrong. I have had this plant for 5 years now and it has never bloomed even while living in Houston for 3 of those years. It has never dropped leaves like this ever!! I would hate to lose it now after all this time. Have been spraying it alternating weeks with NEEM and then 409 mix spray with cinnamon stick added for spider mites because I thought maybe they might be the cause. I can’t find anything on the web addressing this issue.