Hi all! This my first post to the board, but I've been reading for months. I recently got a Dendrobium Stratiotes SD05 from ebay, and it came bare root & I planted immediately and have been watching closely, as the canes are small (two of which are smaller than a pencil in thickness) so I've been a little concerned that it may not make it.
Anyway, as of about the last week & a half, two of the smallest canes are showing that the leaves are wrinkled, and I'm not sure if I'm over-watering or under?
see here
What do you think? It is planted in a bark medium, with packing peanuts at the bottom, it is in a clay pot, and I have a small amount of moss on the top.
I would say I've been watering every 4-5 days by putting in the sink and soaking and running through, and fertilizing every third watering.
Any suggestions or thoughts?
Thanks everyone!