Everyone has that "one" orchid; that special flower that one sees a photo of online, or maybe catches a glimpse of at an orchid show, and immediately realize that one will go to ridiculous lengths to obtain, grow, and flower said plant. This was the 'one' for me about 4 years ago. I spent 2 years searching obsessively and endlessly, until it finally became popularized and readily available in North America. I bought a nice healthy plant, only to have it 'die' on me, dropping all it's leaves in a few short months. I put it somewhere warm and humid anyway with the last little shred of hope that it would recover (and during this period, I managed to buy two more of the same species...this is a horrible affliction, I tell you!

) Kept it bone dry for over 5 months...you can imagine my surprise when I noticed a new growth at the base, and my further ecstatic reaction when I saw the bud appear.
Anyway, I feel like my life is now somewhat complete (naturally, this feeling will likely only last until I find another orchid that I 'must-have-immediately')
Plant is now mounted, kept evenly moist and intermediate/warm. As catwalker has previously mentioned, this one seems reluctant to grow roots...what a terrible habit, in my opinion!