New developments on unidentified Dendrobiums
Hi all,
I'm an addict, lets get that straight. I started with two phals bought from the refuse pile at a reputable nursery a few months ago, and since then I have rescued about 10 more various types. I refuse to buy any that are not on sale or past their bloom-and-doom merchandising cycle at this point due to my limited knowledge, but my green thumb is well suited for such rescue operations.
Anyway, to get to the point, I have two dendrobium noids and since they were purchased without a bloom, I haven't been able to ID them; maybe their identity will be discovered after I explain the problem. The first one I bought last month wasn't in the greatest shape root-wise, so I decided to re-pot in a mix of bark, charcoal and a little sphagnum. Following re-potting, I watered once with weak nute solution bought from an orchid dealer who said she uses michigan state university orchid nutes. Over the next few days all the leaves turned yellow, dried up and fell off. I did some reading and realized I could have bought a dendro that required a winter rest period. Doh! but no big deal; I figured the cane would have enough stored nutes to support new growth. Last week I noticed at the top of the two largest canes, five or six green buds started to emerge. I'm hoping they are keikis as has been suggested by some members here, but don't know for sure. Has anyone had similar symptoms with their dendrobiums, and should I re-start watering and fertilizing? Or do I let the noids do their thing? Thanks in advance everyone!