The Den's I have don't need to dry before I water them, at least not in the summer. During this period of the year I'm a bit more cautious... Mine get heavily watered when almost dry but the medium is very airy. Air flow, air flow and air flow around the roots what is very important. A packed medium dries out slower too, besides there is less air flow around the roots.
I don't think layering the top with moss will make much difference as such a layer dries out quickly (in the windowsill) - as long as your medium is airy enough, but you have to be careful for too much wetness around the canes. If the moss stays wet or you would wet it each day (just for the looks of it) you might get fungal or bacterial problems on the base of the stems/canes.
Just my 2 cents
PS I let the Den's medium become almost dry, but not bone dry...