We water in place most of the time. Sometimes we dunk but not often. We are always concerned about virus but so far, we have been lucky that none has surfaced. In our travels, we have visited probably 15 or 20 commercial orchid growers. Their plants are always very crowded on the benches and many of them have trays, etc. on small shelves above some of the benches. Others have hanging pots above many of their benches. There is no way they can do their routine care without water dripping from one plant to another even if it is just from leaf to leaf on the benches. I guess we have just decided to do the watering as easily as possible and hope for the best. In our 5 years of growing, we haven't encountered virus as yet and I hope we never do. Maybe we're foolish Dave, but so far it has worked fine.
Sandra in South Carolina
Last edited by Sandra Billeter; 03-24-2006 at 06:03 PM..