Dendrobiums nobile and signatum winter care
After looking everywhere for a species Dendrobium nobile, I finally found a few plants that I've acquired (the Yamamoto hybrids seem to be everywhere, but locating the authentic species took a bit of detective work and persistence). One's the virginalis variety, ones a variety cooksianum and the other is a standard type. In addition, I got a little greedy and bought a large Dendrobium signatum (I think it's in the same group as nobile, but I'm not positive of that). Can someone please let me know how strict of a cool and dry winter rest these species need? They're getting lots of light, and the older leaves are in the process of falling. I've been allowing the night temperatures to drop to around 10 C, and the daytime highs have been in the area of 20 to 24 C. Can I water these guys at all, or do they need to be kept bone dry until buds appear (whenever that might be)? I feel like I should be watering them at least a little, considering the high light levels and fairly high daytime temperatures for this time of year. But I want to avoid the dreaded keikis appearing instead of flowers. I've had the plants for about five weeks and have watered them once during that period of time (plain reverse osmosis water only). I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who be kind enough to share their experiences with these plants.