I'm kind of a newbie at growing orchids. I've only been growing my five orchids for 12 years. My newest one, a Dendrobium (see pics) of some variety (I think, can't remember) that I picked up at Trader Joe's about 3 years ago, has been going through some interesting changes lately. First, all the leaves fell off the original stem and I don't know if I should cut it out or wait till it dries up before removing it. Second, I have a new branch coming off the top of the newest stem which I assume is a baby. I expected it to send up a spike but got a new plant instead. Should I remove it and plant it at the base? When should I do this?
I have another orchid, the 12-year-old, that I've had since it was 2 leaves in a 2" pot. I have misplaced the tag over time and have two questions about it. Any idea what variety it is? Why hasn't it ever sent up a spike? It has been growing larger leaves recently, almost like it decided to finally be an adult. It has also been sending up some aerial roots, too. Unfortunately, it suffered a major cat attack a few months ago (it used to have all pristine leaves...that's the last time I watch someone's cats!).
The Dendrobium is planted in a bark/soil mix and gets watered every 1-2 weeks. The other started out in moss so I kept it in moss in an orchid pot. It gets watered every week or week and a few days. I use Superthrive fertilizer every few months. I don't have a set schedule. They seem to keep on growing so I haven't changed much about their care.
Thanks in advance for your help!