My D. superbum is once again in bloom - first two buds opened this morning. I have three plants, two of which are going into bloom. Third is a keiki that bloomed last year for only time. This image is from a previous year's bloom
They have a sweet perfumy scent that takes over the grow area. This is the only major Dendro I've had success with (ie. that hasn't up and died on me) I am currently trying with a mini D. abberans, which shows promise.
Sweet Ross and you say you can't grow Dend's...I vote you did well on this one, your mini is on its' way sounds like you might have found the right formula ... Hey Tony see what Ross grew....
Cheryl, you're a peach! superbum is really hard to kill even for Tony. Only thing is a low temp winter rest - maybe I'll do a culture sheet I think those of you with warm winters might have trouble.
I think I may be seeing signs of a small bud on one of aberrans' pbulbs. We'll see if it's merely my imagination or not.