well the "old" keiki have not bloomed yet, i took it from the mother plant almost a year ago i think. it is about 15 cm tall by now, maybe a little more.
the mother plant have bloomed twice in a year now, last summer, and then again by the start of this spring. although the bloom didnt seem to last as long this last time

... maybe a month?
planting them in the same pot is a great idea. i had not thought about that at all. since i didnt want to end up with too many of the exact same plant this is a good solution.
how will leaving a keiki on the plant effect it?.. will it fall of by it self at one point?
im kinda curious to see how that would end up looking, so might leave the keiki's on the "old" keiki. and then as isurus79 suggested plant the others by the mother plant
edit: come to think of it.. the old keiki might actually have grown from the mother plant right after it finished blooming like now..
would keiki growth suggest the plant would do better under other circumstances? since its not putting all the effort into growing the main plant or keeping the bloom`? .. or is it more because it had no luck getting its flowers "laid" (fertilized by another orchid and then jsut try to reproduce by a keiki instead?)