Originally Posted by Linnie
Hi Ross, I still face this orchid newbee challenge of thinking it's been weeks, it's going to die if I don't water it!! And reading the cultural information and knowing nature takes it's course.
Linnie, Mine look REALLY dry right now! I know they are fine from experience, however. The first year I had them, I babied them and they did fine - grew great leaves, but no flowers. After that I checked with the vendor who suggested a very dry rest period in winter. I picked Holloween because it is easy to remember. I wait for bud development then shoot development. Just said to my wife today I will start watering Feb 1st (just to pick a date.) Buds are developing very nicely on two of the three plants. The hold-out has never bloomed and started life as a kiki, so it may be something I get rid of - "either you produce or you die"

Good luck on yours. You will eventually set your schedule in the fall, not now in the spring.