Just took this little guy out of the delivery box. Ordered it along with Phcal Kryptonite 'Ursula' and Tolu Genting Pink Lady from Brian (IncredibleOrchids)
Great stuff! Thanks Brian
This may be a silly question but is Brian on this board? I just bought a Trichopilia from him. Is he an OB friend as well as great orchid supplier?
Sue, do you have growing info on the aberrans? I've had one for a while now and have gotten only, vague and conflicting info.
After seeing yours, now I really can't wait for blooms!
Last edited by Sandy4453; 02-11-2009 at 08:13 PM..
I love your plants Susanne. I have wanted Den. Aberrans for a long time and seeing yours I am determined to get one. I have read that the flowers can last for three months and they can bloom more than once per year and that a specimen plant may always be in bloom. I buy from Marble Branch Farms who has them so I will be placing an order.
Sandy, yes Brian is a member of OB. In fact, if memory serves, which it might not at 1:30 a.m. (why am I up this late? I have no idea!), he lives in Seattle, WA. This is great for me, living only a couple hours away, once my resistance finally wears down and I just have to buy another orchid. Currently I'm trying to back off the spending, although I'm not sure why, since I just cleared a bunch of space out at home for new chids!
Very nice selection, Sue.
I especially like the dog in the background lounging by the pool!
Today we got another 3" of snow... and it's still snowing, and you tease us with the 'pool shots'.