I always look forward to reading your posts Sun rm. The water culture that you've adopted (or devised?) always fascinates me. This plant is fantastic. I hope you consider doing nothing with it except making more room for it. It's just sensational.
Originally Posted by Sun rm.N.E.
What do you do when your orchids get too big to lift?

I should be so lucky!!! Too big equates to lots of room and room is a very rare commodity around here so, being I like having lots, I compromise by having a lot of little ones. I do though, have 2 huge dends that I keep on the patio on wired shelving, way too large to lift. They're secured with bungee cords because the winds can fiercely kick up here in Fla., without warning. Both are in bark mix and when watering, I put buckets under them for draining.