Dendrobium moniliforme from what I read and have read can be grow evergreen, deciduous or a combination of both. They can stand 65-85F in summer with temps not to exceed 90F anytime of year. They can handle slightly drier conditions if given 40-50F at night in winter if grown on the deciduous side. They can handle a partial rest for about 4-6 weeks in winter, or a short rest of 2+ weeks in winter if you choose to grow that way. They can be grown alongside dendrobium goldschmidtianum (miyakei) or dendrobium Hercoglossum (aduncum) since culture can be the same for all 3 species. They can all take a partially deciduous rest of 2 - 3 weeks in winter and all seem to do best in 2000-3500 ft candles of light for 10+ hrs a day all year. I grow mine in very bright, nearly direct sunlight in a terrarium with many other orchids. I keep the fan on to circulate air and keep the temp around 80+F day and 50+F night. although I shut the fan off at night to keep humidity around 80-100% and give the roots some early morning dew to supplement water. So Far and unexpectedly, mine has one flower bud that is growing on an older cane and 2-3 swelling nodes on the newest cane. There are 1-2 new sympodial basal shoots getting ready to break soon on the newest growth. I will take pictures of it when it blooms.