In spite of my resolve never to by an unlabeled orchid I couldn't pass up this beauty on the clearance shelf of a local grower. He thinks he hadn't yet entered the code into his computer (his are identified by coded tags until sale.) The whites are so clear and the purple throat so intense that (for $14) I could not pass it up. Now I come begging for naming help. I looked through all 400+ pictures on Jay's internet encyclopedia but anything close did not pan out on OrchidWiz.
The flower is about 5 cm across. There is a spill of the purple deep on the side petals.
It's a Dendrobium not an Onc. Looks like it could be a "Mule Ear" type of hybrid. No way to tell for sure. It's very pretty though! It would have followed me home too.
can't help you with an exact ID, but i would guess it's an unnamed dendrobium hybrid. maybe if this thread was in the dendrobium forum, or the identification forum, you'd get a better response.
sorry for the confusion. I got an Oncidium at the same time. Of course it is a dendrobium.
Sorry I'm in the wrong pew but the right church.
I moved to Dendrobium Forum
Last edited by cirillonb; 10-19-2008 at 09:14 PM..
Reason: correction of forum
Des, Thanks but the OrchidWiz picture of the Den. Phalaenopsis has purple petals and septal as well. This has only purple in the throat and immediate adjacent parts of the petals.
It probably is related.
Nick Den. Phals are hybrids, there are many different color variations , mine is a white and pink splash petal.
But I never flower the plant well because our winters are too cold here and it needs a minimum temp of about 12 degrees C.
It's new to me. I like it very much. Love the color. Never have heard of a "Mule Ear" type. But I've heard of Antelope Dens. Beautiful flower. Nice pic.