This has been in bloom for a while on various canes. Thought I'd finally post, since there is a triplet.
Culture: Transplanted from pure sphagnum to a fine bark mix in a clear, slotted pot. Plant is in my orchidarium and usually kept at 1800+ foot-candles for 12-16 hours a day. 90% humidity for the light-on cycle. Down to approx 75% at night. Moved plant to a lower position while in bloom since tops of canes were against top of tank. Water/fertilizer every second day by application with hand held sprayer till the solution runs out the bottom of pot. Sprayed from time to time with either Thiomyl or Physan 20 for different reasons. Auto misting system runs for 5 seconds every 4-4.5 hours from lights on till lights off. Inside tank is fan running 24/7. A through-wall fan runs for 3-4 hours at night after lights out.
Thanks for looking.
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