Hi group!
I have a question concerning the different types of Dendrobiums. The question deals not with the flowers (That will come later), but with the plant growth pattern itself. I have three plants, two with multiple leafs on each stem and a third which appears to have a single leaf on each stem.
Are these different types? And if so which?
Thanks in advance for your help ..... dons
I agree, #2 looks like some kind of Catt. #1 is a Phal type Den. They like to be grown warm, plenty of water, fert and light. The do not require a winter rest period like some Dens do.
I have a Dend. whose plump pseudobulbs look similar to yours. Mine is a Den. Spectabile and it is a species and exhibits 2 leaves atop each pseudo. This is my first species type den. and I'm no expert, but perhaps you have another variety of Dendrobium species that produces only 1 leaf. There are soooo many varieties out there. Maybe some of the OB experts will chime in with their opinion. Here is a photo of mine for comparison.