Greetings -
Does anyone grow this orchid mounted, rather than potted or basket(ed)? I was advised by the vendor (who knows my growing habits) that it would like to be grown on a stick or slice or wood - any experience?
Thanks - Nancy
Hi Randy -
South Joisey, eh? Probably a bit different climate from mine, but same plant...did you mount yours yourself, or get it that way? Does it bloom? Mine (now in a pot) has lost a lot of leaves - but I don't think it is deciduous (and I hope it has not lost its will to live). Do you have any opinion as to the type of 'stuff' it would like to be attached to? I've had good luck with TX grapevine and catalpa with other species, so was thinking about using one of these. Does it grow fairly slowly? Likes a bit of dry rest in winter?
Neat little plant - I yearned for one for several years, and kept promising myself I'd get one at the next show I attended - and finally did!
Well, that's a lot of questions!
Regards - Nancy (balmy, steamy 76F)
I didn't mount mine, although I have mounted many orchids. Mine was purchased mounted from Andys Orchids. It flowers every summer. During the winter I cut back on watering but don't dry it out completely or I get very small growths the following year. Mine only grows one cane per year and it's a fairly good sized plant. Maybe yours doesn't get cool enough at night in the winter?? Mine is near the windows of my greenhouse so it probably gets close to 40-45F on cold nights.
Canes that are 2 years old or older do loose their leaves and these are the ones that flower. New canes do not flower. I think it wouldn't mind being mounted on anything. Mine is on the wood that Andy uses for most of his mountings, not cork. It is well wrapped around the wood root wise. The flowers are very similar to Den secundum but you don't get a second flower on the same bract like you would with secundum.
Hey Randy -
I appreciate the answers to my questions, plus the ones I hadn't thought of...when I bought my plant, it was in bloom, and I checked, and, sure enough, the old flowers were on leafless canes. So I suppose (hope) the ones losing their leaves will be blooming next year.
I like species dendrobiums - very variable in size, foliage, flowers, etc. Dend. rigidum is loaded with flowers and buds - a very appealing plant!
Regards - Nancy