Last week, a friend sent me an ad they saw on craigslist for an orchid collection being thinned out...$5.00 each!
I rallied the troops...Laura and Linda

...and we headed over to check it out.
We were was actually a bonsai nursery that sold orchids "on the side, for holidays" ...and out of over a hundred I only found two with tags!

One was a Paph which didn't interest me and the other was a Cattleya type that I have already so Linda grabbed that one
I did take this little guy...lots and lots of buds and canes with blooms a little over an inch across. Very cute...and I divided it so Laura and Linda will each have a division of it when I see them tomorrow
Not bad for a five dollar chid...even if it is a NOID
**I'm gonna put the name Den Mini Diamond on this one.